Mushroom coffee may sound a bit bizarre, but it’s not as odd as one may think! And no, it doesn’t have mushrooms floating around the cup! Adding mushrooms to your diet is not uncommon; however, adding them to your coffee is entirely different. Social media has introduced this new craze by convincing people about mushroom […]
The Power of Peppermint Oil: 3 Benefits You Didn’t Know

Spring means beautiful flowers, pretty scenery, and colourful surroundings – all this enhanced with the melodical chirping of birds. The blossoming buds bring large quantities of pollen with them, and if you are one of the millions suffering from a hyperactive immune system, it’s bad news! For you, pollens, spores, and mould mean runny nose, […]
Portable Ice Bath: A unique health intervention

Sitting in a tub filled with ice water is an example of cold water immersion therapy known as an ice bath. Bath times can range from a few minutes to 20 minutes, and water temperatures are normally between 10 and 15 degrees celsius (50 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit). Athletes and fitness enthusiasts commonly utilize ice […]
7 Steps to Amazing Lavender Oil: Filtering with Muslin Cloth

Are you looking for a way to make your own homemade lavender oil? Find out how to filter homemade Lavender Oil the natural way Lavender oil has many benefits and is widely used for aromatherapy, cosmetics, and even culinary applications. With a few simple ingredients and some patience, you can craft your own lavender oil […]
When is Lychee Season in California? All You Need to Know!

Have you ever tasted the sweet and juicy lychee fruit? If you haven’t, then you’re missing out on one of the most delicious and unique fruits in the world! Lychee is a tropical fruit that grows in warm climates, and is particularly popular in California. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to […]
Lavender’s Glorious Sleep Inducing Power

Have you ever wondered why lavender makes you sleepy? Could this fragrant herb really help us to get some much-needed rest? The answer is yes! Lavender has been used as a sleep aid for centuries, and science is now beginning to reveal why its scent is so powerful in promoting relaxation and calming the mind. From its ability to reduce stress hormones to its anti-inflammatory properties, lavender has an impressive range of benefits that make it an ideal natural sleep aid. Not only can it help you drift off to sleep more easily, but it can also improve the quality of your sleep and help to reduce the effects of insomnia. Whether you’re looking for a gentle way to promote relaxation or reduce stress before bedtime, lavender could be the answer. Read on to find out more about this incredible herb and how it can help you get a better night’s sleep.
Mindful Practices to Recharge Emotionally

Basic practices that can lead you to avoid emotional burnout
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Welcome to my blog! I have created this space to share valuable insights learn through long hours of study and experience in the field of holistic medicine. Please feel free to share your opinions and help me grow as a naturopath and a person. Most of all, enjoy reading and apply the learnings from this […]